Saturday, December 16, 2023


 Sorry I didn't blog last night.  Friday was good.  The classes on Friday are easier.  I took Ruth and Oliver shopping for Christmas and we had a lot of fun.  I took Oliver after school and Ruth while Isaac was at practice.  Isaac had chamber music practice.  We are watching Oliver the cat so we went over last night and fed him.  I fed him this morning and then made it to exercise class.  It was so nice to go.  We made some cat toys and the kids had fun playing with the cat.  We mailed some packages and the post office was crazy busy.  We went grocery shopping also.  We took Tony on a walk to the park and the canal had ice and the kids had fun playing on it.  I took Isaac shopping and we found some.great things and had a fun time.  Ruth did well at her tumbling show off day.  She got the award for most fearless.  I didn't understand what they were wearing so I had to run home and get some black pants.  Ruth was sad because she missed the first of warming up.  Randy, Teri, Ivy and Lily came.  The kids had fun playing together.  We were able to talk with Casey for a while after the match which was nice.  We are excited for him to come home.

Love Rachel

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