Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So today in class we learned how to do a bald cap. I had one on me and tomorrow and I am going to apply one to a girl. It was weird to see myself bald, I don't think its a look I'm going to have soon. Well I was thinking about my photoshoots and I am going to do a cinderella were the step sisters cut there toes off to fit into the glass slipper. I was practicing on looking like a foot being chopped off and I thought it would look more realistic if I had toes laying on the ground. So I asked my teacher for some ideas for molding toes. So that is what I did today. I have been painting toes all night. Its kinda gross to have toe parts hanging around my room. But its kinda cool that I made it. It was fun. My friend also let me borrow her season of dexter the tv show. So i've been watching that while painting appendages. Well have a great night.

love ya

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