Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Robin that is an interesting idea. I am not sure I will like the picture but I bet is will be way cool. Are you doing the old lady also? Good luck Karen with the soup. I think I will make some also. That sounds good. I am excited to see Rachels tree skirt. I think that is neat you went to talk with the girls. It will give them an idea that you can be anything you want. Way to go Rachel. I think dad has kidney stones. He is taking codine and hoping they will pass. He wasn't feeling very good last night I guess we figured it out. I am so glad that Casey is down there with him in case it gets bad. I didn't do too much tonight. Linda was sick so I didn't go to dinner. I just went to Michaels and got some stuff for my babysitting at the parents group meeting tomorrow night. It was fun to look at all the stuff. I also talked to someone about getting the million dollars framed but they won't write on the mat so that was the main point. I think I am just going to frame them all by myself. LOVE MOM

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