Friday, October 16, 2009

Way to go Robin

I think that is neat that you get to do that makeup for that movie. Make sure you are keeping track of all you have done. You have been doing a lot lately. Maybe they could write you a letter on how wonderful you are. Good luck. Not much news on Kyle. I called the hospital and Angela answered and said Kyle was doing better than yesterday. He is on Morphine. He was sleeping. She said the nurse doesn't say much but she said that he will probably be able to go home on Monday. We aren't going to Felicia's wedding it is at 1:00 tomorrow and I just can't get it all done if we do that. I am going to call her though and congratulate her. I did call Allison and talked with her for awhile. Dad made it home safe and sound. He is having a little more trouble with his kidney stones. I can't wait until it passes. That is miserable. Good luck again Robin that will be a lot of fun to do a movie. I hope you get to meet someone famous and that they think you are the best.


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