Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Today was good. Ruthie didn't sleep well, I am hoping she will sleep better with her tonsils out.  We had swimming lessons this morning and that was fun.  It was warmer so we stayed and swam until lunch time.  We did lounge a lot to warm up an which was fun.  We watched a movie when we got home and Calleen dropped by for a minute.  She was in town and saw Leona.  We went to walmart and got a slip n slide for young women's tonight and the kids all bought air planes with their money.  We took Leona to get her blood drawn then took her to our house for a while.  When Casey came home we took her out to eat.  I had young women's tonight and we played water kick ball at Julies house down the street.  It was a lot of fun and everyone had a good time.  Don't work too hard and have a good day tomorrow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...