Monday, March 16, 2015


Today was wear purple at Isaac school, he looks good in the color.  It is so cute to see all the preschoolers in the same color.  Tomorrow we are wearing green and then Wednesday is blue.  Oliver did not sleep well last night so we were all tired today but it turned out to be a nice day.  We went grocery shopping for a few things this morning.  Casey has been interested in a truck that goes up for auction on Thursday so while Isaac was at school him and Randy went and looked at it.  It doesn't go in reverse and something else was wrong so he doesn't want it any more.  I am glad that they looked at it.  We are going fishing tomorrow with Randy.  We kept telling Isaac we could go fishing when it was spring so he says that tomorrow is spring since he is fishing.  We played outside for the rest of the day.  Casey put up Oliver's swing and Isaac really wanted a swing set so we decided to go look at them.  We went to three places and only one store had them and it wasn't what we wanted.  We will have to keep our eyes open for one.  It was fun to walk around though.  Well everyone have a good night and I hope that everyone sleeps better than Oliver, just kidding.


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