Saturday, May 21, 2011


Sorry I haven't blogged in two days. I was at lunch today with Mom and I realized that I had forgotten. We made it home safely. We put together the high chair and it is really nice, I think that he is going to love it. We let him jump in his jumper when we got home and he loved that, he even jumped a couple times by himself. He was a little fussy on the way home but eventually fell asleep, he woke up in Sardine canyon and Casey feed him a bottle and he lasted until we got home. There was a car on fire in the canyon, it looked like it had just started. It was really scary, I am glad that the fire didn't hit the gas tank when we drove by or we would have been in trouble. Thank you everyone for the fun weekend, it was a mini vacation for me. I am excited for next weekend for Karen to come home.


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