Sunday, August 16, 2015

The weekend

Robin, that should work.  Casey can't come on Saturday but we will be their.  Thanks for arranging your schedule, this will be an epic sewing day.  This weekend was pretty good.  Yesterday we went to the farmers market.  It wasn't very fun this time, their were no snow cones and it was really hot.  Isaac was tired so I thought we could return our movies and get new ones but the library doesn't open until 12 on Saturday so I thought we would just buy a new Thomas movie.  So we went to Shopko and they didn't have any and then Smith's market place and they only had one that we had.  Isaac did get a doughnut at Smith's so he was happy and I got Oliver some chips.  I think we just played the rest of the day at home.  Today we stayed in our pajamas until church which was nice.  I took Oliver to nursery and he doesn't love it yet but he is getting more used to it.  Isaac's teacher brought over a pin wheel for him yesterday and wanted him to think how he showed love to his family so he was excited to go to church today.  We thought of a ton of things he does but he chose camping.  I am glad that the ball went well, that is nice of you guys to help out.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...