Thursday, May 12, 2016

Stealth bomber

The kids didn't sleep well last night, all three of them.  I was worried we would have a rough day but Oliver actually was happy some of the time today.  I felt in his mouth and the other molar was poking through.  Isaac had school and I had to wake him up for that.  He had fun, a police officer came and they also pretended they were fire trucks and squirted things.  We had a quick lunch and then I had my quilt group. It was fun and everyone liked my red quilt.  We left a early because Ruth and Oliver were tired.  Casey met with a lady today that helps with contracts, she told him to make business plan first so he is going to work on that.  Casey and Isaac went and bought some seeds to plant the garden and we started digging up stuff this evening.  We bought dinner so me and Oliver went and got some bread sticks and sandwiches, it was fun to just go with Oliver and have some time with him.  Here is hopping that everyone sleeps tonight.  Oh we read a book about a stealth bomber and now Isaac has talked about them no stop.  I told him I saw one at a air show one time and now he wants to see one.  He was telling the ladies at the quilt group about them and they said their is one at the air museum in Layton.  We will have to go one weekend.


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