Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Today was good.  Last night Oliver slept with us and he was so close to me I slept in his bed.  I didn't hear it but Isaac and Ruth woke up early and then they went downstairs and played.  Casey checked on them before he left and said it was cute.  I didn't babysit this morning because Eva was sick.  We went to Joann's and walked around.  Oliver had school for the last time and they did a teddy bear picnic.  He brought the bear he made.  While he was gone I took Leona to the bank and Walmart.  We had fun but she was worn out.  Ruthie was falling asleep in the car when we dropped her off so I put her down for a nap.  I cut Oliver's hair so it wouldn't be so wild for his graduation.  The boys had swimming lessons and I had to wake up Ruthie and she cried and cried.  Callen is making a store in Clifton and Isaac was helping her think of things for the menu.  He came home and wrote up a menu so tonight we made one of the sandwiches for dinner.  It is a bacon garlic sandwich.  I made the garlic like at red rock so we could spread it on.  I don't think he liked it because he didn't eat it but I thought it was good.  It was a good experiment at least.  I had young women's and we made mail boxes for girls camp.  It went late.  I am glad that everyone is doing good.  You guys are the best.


This sums up Ruthie's day

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...