Thursday, February 28, 2019


I went running this morning and I felt like I needed more direction so I downloaded an app and that helped a lot.  Isaac rode his bike to school which was fun although it was cold.  Casey also rode his bike but he forgot his wallet and keys so we picked him up for lunch.  We went to great harvest and it tasted good.  Afterwards my contacts came in so we went and picked them up.  The kids love going their.  One lady said that we didn't need to go to Disneyland when they are happy running up the ramp, it was funny.  Oliver and Ruth rode their bikes to pick up Isaac.  It is took far for Ruth and I ended up pulling her bike most of the way.  It was a pretty day though and we had fun.  We played play dough.  Isaac has been making stop motion videos and he did one with play dough that turned out good.  Casey worked late and came home in time to put the kids to bed which was nice of him.  Oliver has gotten the hang of holding his pencil and he loves to write now.  He is always saying the he needs to do his lessons and goes and writes.  At lunch we asked if Oliver wanted a pickle and he said no he is trying to act more like an adult.  We told him adults eat pickles, it was so funny.  Love you guys and hang in their Karen.  Spring is on its way.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...