Sunday, August 16, 2009


It sounds like everyone had a good weekend. I am glad that you had a good time going to the temple, that sounds like a great experience. That is funny about your Sunday school, that is awesome. I am glad that people stand up for them self's. We had stake conference today so we took the day off. It is nice to have a day off. We had a good day yesterday. We finished cleaning up all the wood from the Walnut tree that Casey cut down a couple of weeks ago. Here are some pictures of the wood all put away.

We also made a fire and burned all the little sticks and all the bark. It was a good day. Casey went to Preston and got us Ice cream and that was fun.

For dinner we picked some beans and carrots and steamed them, and we picked some potatoes and backed them. It tasted so good. It was really fun. Their were some carrots that were small and I feed them to the goats and they went crazy over them. They loved it. I fed them the tops of the carrots that we were using also. It was so fun to watch them eat it all. They were fighting over all of it. It was funny.

Well not much else if going on I hope that everyone has a good day. Love you.

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