Monday, August 17, 2009

resident evil 4

So today was my first day of prosethics.  I think it will be a fun class. The teacher was talking about our photo shoots and he said the the movie resident evil 4 wanted to have zombies so if we made zombies they would use our molds for the movie. So I am going to do a zombie. I think it will be fun. I will tell you if it happens or not but he sounded pretty certain that it was going to happen. anyway today we are working on gelatin molds of scars and cuts. I'm going to try to do alot so if i ever need a skin disease or cut I have one on hand :) Well its still hotter then haites here. I try to sleep but I just sweat, the fans just blow the hot air around. i don't think I'm adjusting to humidity very well. Well have a great day love you. :)

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