Thursday, August 20, 2009


So I think all my roomates are moving out. Its the end of summer and on the doors there are letters with what they need to do to move out. So hopefully I will get the whole flat to myself for a bit, not that it will be any diffrent. I basically have non existent roommates now. New ones will probably move in by the beginning of september. that is when school starts. Well I decided I am going to do maleficent ( from sleeping beauty) for one of my photoshoots. I am going to do her nose in prosthetics and then i might make her outfit. I will see what I can find. We are doing face casts tommorow. then we can start working on our zombies. well Mom sent me a 25 dollar gift card in the mail from amazon, I spend way to much but at least they reward you. :) anyway I bought guitar hero decades for my ds. I had the on tour but I beat all the songs so I get to beat new songs. I;m excited it came last night so I am going to play that today. :) well have a rock'n night. 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...