Thursday, July 4, 2019


I am sorry about the table, you will find something that works and it is always fun to go to Ikea.  Casey got the job yesterday which is exciting.  It is fun to have good things happen.  We had a good day yesterday.  I walked in the morning but skipped the exercise class so the kids could sleep.  We went to swimming lessons which is fun.  I brought lunchables to eat for lunch and the kids really liked them, it was fun.   We swam a lot in the big pool.  Oliver and Isaac and getting good at swimming and are really enjoying it.  The kids are nervous about sun screen on their faces now so their faces got a bit burnt, especially Isaac's.  After dinner we went to Randy's which was fun.  Poor Collin was in a bicycle crash and hurt his face pretty bad.  I brought glow sticks for the fireworks and the kids had fun with them and the loved watching the fireworks.  Randy drove them back down in the back of his truck and Isaac loved that.  Love you guys and have a good 4th.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...