Thursday, August 21, 2014


Today was busy.  We had Oliver's 6 month check up this morning.  He is doing really good and right where he should be.  His weight is 15# 6oz (15%) Height 26" (35%) Head 25%.  Then we had to go to Lee's and get everyone a prize for being good and pick up some vitamins for Oliver.  Casey didn't sleep good last night so he went in late for work.  He was leaving for work when we got home.  I had my foot doctor appointment in the afternoon.  I don't have gout or RA which is really good.  He is going to make inserts for my shoes and see if that helps.  They are still pretty sore.  It was a nice evening so we went outside and did some yard work and jumped on the trampoline.  Karen, are you coming up to Logan this weekend?  We will have a good time.  I hope that everyone stays dry down there and you guys are able to sleep.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...