Monday, February 8, 2021

No chocolate

 I had payroll this morning and it took me all morning.  I worked on emails the rest of the day.  I am behind and trying to get caught back up.  I am hoping for a quiet week.  Rachel, I hope you get feeling better.  I am sorry you fell.  That can really hurt.  Put traumel on your back and hip.  That will help.  Robin good luck on your ultrasound.  I can't believe you are 1/2 way there.  It is such a neat think to watch the baby.  I am so excited for you.  Karen, economics will put anyone to sleep.  You might be having a lot of naps this semester.  On face book today it said it was a year ago we were at blue man.  I can't believe it. What a year.  And yet so many good memories I have.  Well good luck with Tuesday.  I am looking forward to playing this weekend.  I am open for any suggestions.  I didn't have any chocolate in the house.  Dad made Karen's brownie but we drove to Winco and got me some M& Ms.  Tomorrow should be better :)  LOVE MOM 

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