Sunday, May 15, 2016

We're back

Wow, good job on the major purchases Karen.  We should smoke something over memorial weekend, that would be awesome.  I am glad that everyone had a good weekend.  We had a fun time.  We made it to Lava and had pizza and bread sticks for lunch, it was really good.  Ruthie had her first taste of garlic bread.  The kids splash pool was open so we went there and it was fun.  Oliver took a little bit to warm up to the place but ended up having a fun time.  We stayed all afternoon and then we went to Pocatello around dinner time.  We checked in the hotel and Isaac was super excited about it and loved the place.  We went and got Thai food for dinner and it tasted really good.  Then we went to fred myers to get a lego and some apples.  Ruthie had a blow out and I didn't have an extra shirt with me so we bought her a new outfit.  Oliver had a melt down half way through so it was kind of stressful.  Then we went back and just built legos.  Isaac picked a hard one and wanted to do it by himself so it was a late night.  Ruthie woke up early to eat and then went back to sleep but she woke Oliver up and he didn't go back to sleep so he was up early.  Cher our neighbor had called in the middle of the night which I missed so I called her back and our irrigation faucet was on and they turned on the irrigation water so our lawn was flooded.  They couldn't figure out what it was last night but turned it off this morning.  It ended up the bathroom had water in it but nothing too bad, we were really lucky.  So we spent the morning swimming in the hotel swimming pool till someone pooped in it and the closed it, so gross, it wasn't our kids.  The kids really liked the floaties and they were really good swimmers.  Isaac has come a long way since last year.  It was raining so we just headed back to Logan to check on the house so we got back at lunch time.  It was nice to have the afternoon to let the kids play and relax.  I didn't take a ton of picture but I have a few.  Everyone have a good week.


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