Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Today was busy but good.  I walked.and worked out.  I am half way done with Karen's quilt and it has been fun.  They delivered the shingles this morning, we got two pallets.  School was good and busy.  I had a dentist appointment for a teeth cleaning so Casey took a long lunch to watch the kids.  It was nice to talk to people at the dentist and good to get out.   After school we were playing downstairs and I got cleaning.  We took Rutjie house outside. I left the top off because the kids are getting too big.  They had so many stuffed animals downstairs after dinner we got ride of a few so they could keep what they wanted in there rooms.  We had steak fajitas for dinner and they tasted good.  Randy and Terry stopped by this evening.  Randy, Casey and Isaac went and toured the roof and took some shingles up.  It was good to.visit.  Good luck tomorrow.  Sad news though, the aquatic center isn't opening this year.  They are going to use this summer to fix the pool up.  Their are no words on how sad that makes me.  Love you guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...