Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Navajo Tacos

We had a good day.  Casey was up late last night so he went in late for work.  So he walked with us to story time and then went to work.  It was a really pretty day and it was nice to walk.  Jenn came over and we sewed which is fun.  Casey wanted to make me Navajo tacos so he made started making black beans last night and we had the tacos for dinner.  They were so good.  We were all really hungry and they tasted so good.  I just read to buy a Pillsbury biscuits and fry them and they were really good.  We bought all the plants for the garden but it is supposed to freeze tonight so we are going to plant them tomorrow.  I hope that everyone has a good night and thanks for everything.  We have the best family.


Isaac got a tractor brochure this weekend and was reading it in bed.

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