Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I love your mask Robin, good job.  Karen I talked with Casey and get tickets for all three of us, Oliver doesn't need one.  We will just all go and see how it goes.  Thanks.  Mom I am glad that you have the people trained and don't have to go in early any more, that will be nice.  We had a good day.  I moved a bookshelf up to Isaac's room and it looks a lot better in there.  It is nice to get the books off of the floor.  Isaac is feeling better and I am getting a handle on how to deal with the yelling so we had a good day.  It was a beautiful day outside.  Isaac was playing in the mud and water so I took off his new shoes and put his shorts and sandals on.  He wanted to keep his socks on which made him look like an old man, it made me laugh.  Casey planted the garden tonight.  I am excited and it is nice to have it in.  Isaac helped a little and then we played ball and Oliver was awake all evening.  I sent a package to Vickie and she got it today.  She really liked the blankets.  Well I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow, don't work too hard.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...