Monday, November 16, 2015

Chubby Cheeks

Your work in crazy Robin, those are awesome dresses.  That sounds fun.  I love Ruth's name also, thanks for doing that. Karen I hope that you don't get too much snow up their.  We had a busy day today and it went by fast.  I had an ultrasound this morning and it went well.  She is only measuring one week ahead and her fluid levels are looking a lot better.  She is now in the 67% instead of the 80% and is in the normal range.  I attached the pictures they gave us.  He said that is her knee by her face, she is balled up.  When I saw the doctor I was measuring at 36 and I am supposed to be 32 so he thinks maybe my stomach is just stretched.  He said that they may do another ultrasound if I am still measuring big next month but Ruth was looking good.  Casey and the boys came with me to the ultrasound then Casey took Isaac to school and then came back.  Calleen called when we were leaving and she had a meeting at the library and wanted to visit so she came over and visited after we got home until Isaac came home.  It is Randy's birthday so we took him out to lunch, he wanted to go to Taco Time.  Isaac didn't want to come home so Casey left for SLC and I went home to give Oliver a nap.  I was able to sew the bean bag chairs which was really fun.  I finished one and have to put the zipper in the last two.  Isaac never wanted to come home so I went up their when Oliver woke up and we went to dinner at Papa Kelsey's for his birthday.  We got home at 8 and I put the boys to bed.  Isaac wasn't home all day long or all weekend for the matter.  He likes having undivided attention I think.  Well thanks for everything and everyone try to stay warm.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...