Thursday, June 12, 2014


So I saw this job online and it was through a temp agency and then they hire you full time. It's for working in a prosethetics lab. I applied last night and went in today to fill out more paper work. I didn't think I would even be considered because I don't have any medical background but I thought I would try, I am going in tomorrow to watch a safety video with the temp agency. I am trying to do everything they have so I look like I care, I will keep you posted on if I hear anything. That was most of my day was trying to send in resumes and portfolios, my wrist hurts today to it just feels stiff. I am glad you guys are having Christmas, just don't bring snow with it I've been enjoying the sun :) I've decided Saturday I am going to clean sweep my apt. I need to d clutter. Have a Good Friday


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...