Saturday, April 22, 2017


We had a fun day and we got a lot done.  Casey was able to finish up with the old engine and is going to send it back Monday.  He also Mowed the lawn, tiled some of the garden and changed the oil in the cars.  He was working really hard all day.  I took the kids to the zoo this morning, they had a stem activity day and we had so much fun.  They had fun activities for the kids and it was fun to walk around and see the animals.  I took a million pictures, sorry.  Isaac slipped in the mud so afterwards we went and played at the park so he could dry off which was fun.  We can home and had a late lunch and put Ruthie to sleep.  Then I took the boys to lowes to get some paint for the bathroom downstairs and then we went grocery shopping.  Then we played outside for the rest of the day except Oliver who was tired so he watched a show.  It was a fun day.


I swear this is my old goat Tobias,  it looked just like him.

Isaac was sad we were mowing the lawn and cutting his beautiful flowers so we took a picture so he could remember them.

The engine getting loaded

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...