Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No Party

Everyone at work is sick and with the bad weather they decided to cancel the party we were having.  We went to dinner and then came home.  The roads weren't bad at all coming home.  It did snow all day but it was warm enough to melt.  We have a leak in our door jam and the carpet is a mess in our entry hall.  Dad called the tax guy and he is going to do our taxes.  I will try and get mine organized this next couple of weeks so we can get them in early.  I know Karen and Robin want them done.  Do you want the tax guy to do your taxes Rachel?  Karen is coming down on Friday night and then we are either going to Logan or Rachel is coming down.  Do you want to play with us Robin?  I am glad that you class is going good.  You are going to have to find a new project for you Karen.  I am sure you can think of something fun.  We made it half way through the week.  It is suppose to be almost 40 on Saturday.  Heat wave.  I just love that curtain rod idea for your quilts.  That is so nice to be able to display them.  They are just beautiful. 


1 comment:


 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...