Monday, December 17, 2018


This morning was rough me and Jenkins were fighting. He woke me up at 4 so I let him out and he peed and pooped. Then I went back to sleep and 30 minutes later he woke me up again I told him no but he kept whining so i took him out again. I went back to bed he he was whining again. And my patience was at an end. I had an idea last night to crate him in the living room so he could lay on the couch. So I figured to just set it up so at 4:30a. I took the fence thing I bought him inside and just rigged it up a bit so he couldn't get out of the living room. I put down 4 pee pads and my grass mat in the living room. The I went back to sleep. I then woke up to painful cries. So I figured he tried to escape and got hurt. So I ran out in the living room and he was on the top of my couch trying to jump off to the other side :/. I was so mad I yelled at him and told him to get down now. So he just laid on the couch the rest of the morning and looked offended that I spoiled his plan..and I found more poop on my carpet.ugh  So I put the crate together in front of the window away from the couch so he couldn't jump up. I left him in his crate while I was at work. He finally peed on my.grass pad so that was a win. We bonded after work and all was well. But I was so tired at work so it was a long day.

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