Monday, December 17, 2018

Dance the night away

I am sorry guys, it was a rough day.  I hope that everyone has a better day tomorrow.  Robin, you pictures are really good, thank you.  Isaac didn't want to go to school today and told me that the kid that sits next to him isn't nice.  So I walked in with him and told his teacher and they are going to move him and he will have a new seat tomorrow.  Also at school one of his friend wrote a note and said that he was sad that he spent to much time with Ty so Isaac is going to tell him that they are still friend.  Second grade drama I guess.  I was late to working out and I had to leave early but I went and that was good.  We did the dancing game a lot today and it is fun.  The kids are cute.  We walked to get Isaac and he rode his scooter home.  He had a blast riding it and it worked really well.  Thank you guys again for giving Isaac a fun birthday, he is so happy.  Love you guys.


I was going to have the kids paint the drawers with me but Oliver wanted it for his rock collection so we put it in his room.  He loves it.

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