Sunday, January 31, 2016


I am glad that you are feeling better Mom and that you had a good day Karen.  We had a good day.  We stayed in our pajamas all day which was nice, other than that it seemed like a normal day.  Casey worked on his resume and applied for a job.  His car was stuck in the snow so he dug it out also, he got a lot done.  Isaac and Oliver have been playing so good together, it has been so cute.  They pretend the shower in our room in an elevator and they can play for a long time.  Isaac was playing super heros and using his blanket as a cape.  I am going to get some fabric tomorrow and make both of them a cape, it should be fun.  My visiting teacher brought dinner tonight and it was really good, she is a really good cook.  Tomorrow me and Casey are getting our teeth cleaned.  I hope that it goes well, wish us luck.


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