Sunday, January 31, 2016

Feeling a little bit better

I am feeling a little bit better today.  I am not so congested and I didn't sleep all day.  Those are good signs.  We just vegged and watched Star Trek movies all weekend.  I sure hope this cold goes away quickly.  I missing the kids too much.  I can't believe all the snow everyone got.  I hope it warms up soon and melts.  Everyone have a great 1st day of February.  We made it through January.  At least the days are getting longer.  I like coming home in the light.  I put vicks on my feet with socks (internet said that would help with the cough), I think it has helped.  Me and dad have both been doing that and he says he feet feel better.  I figured we didn't have anything to lose to try it.  LOVE MOM

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