Friday, December 11, 2009

eskimo kisses

so today was the practical exam for the kids that didn't do it when I did it. So I got roped into being a model. so my whole day was putting on makeup taking off makeup. my face is kinda raw. Luckly I was able to work a bit on my cheetah. I reattached the arms after some trips to canadian tire. (thats like a hardware/ homeware store kinda). I casted the hands today so I need to sand those and hopefully paint them. I am going to work on it all weekend so on tuesday I can play with everyone instead of stressing about it. Well on the way home it was so cold I took the subway home but as my luck would have it there was a fire on the train so we had to evacuate so I ended up just walking. I least I made it two stops before that happened. I didn't see the fire just the lights flickered and outside of the train was smoke. so I figured it would be a while thats why I walked. anyway better go work on my guy have a great night love you


ps. I forgot thanks for the car I would love to drive it until I can save money to get another one :) you guys are the best!

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