Saturday, December 12, 2009


It is snowing a lot. We even got alot of snow in Clifton. I got to spend some time with the goats today and that was nice. They seem really happy. They have a ton of food so they will be good when we are gone. We went to IFA today and got a huge bucket with a deicer so they will have enough water while we are gone. I feel good about leaving them now. Their fur has gotten really thick, it is cute. I got some new black shoes today, my old ones had a hole in the bottom so when I walked in the snow my feet would get cold. They are cute and have a back so they will be good in the winter. My new coat is keeping me really warm and I like it. We also got Casey a new computer today. It was on clearance. He is going to work in SLC starting in January and he needed a computer for down their. He is excited about it. I am ready to go to Canada now. I just need to get a sub for nursery. I am excited to see Robin and go to another country, it is going to be really fun.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...