Thursday, August 22, 2019


That is a funny dream Karen.  I hate being confused in the morning.  Jenkins back leg was having problems on our walk this morning.  I think we go too far so I am going to walk him a shorter way drop him off and then walk a bit more.  They are installing a round about on our road so it has been a nightmare getting to the school in the morning since their is only one way for everyone to get their.  We ran some errands this morning and then made necklaces.  Ruthie has been wanting to make them and she is good at it.  She wants to do it every day now.  I didn't bring Jenkins to pick up Isaac because it is hot and Ruth wanted to ride her scooter.  I couldn't help her and walk the dog.  We just walked him when we got home and it worked out really well.  I think that is what we will do going forward.  Oliver loves riding his scooter and wants to do it all the time.  He is cute.  He was sitting on my lap while we were waiting for Isaac and I was sad that next week we will be picking him up too.   Isaac was tired today so we got the kids to bed earlier and it is so nice.  School wears them out.  Love you guys.


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 Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I mentally wrote a blog post but never physically did it.  Yesterday was good.  It was the last day of...