Tuesday, August 20, 2019

It went too fast

boy did summer go by fast.  I am not quite ready for school to begin but it will be fun for the kids to be back with all the kids.  I can't believe that Isaac is in 3rd grade.  Oliver will love going to school and Ruth will organize the whole preschool organization.  I love the quilt Rachel.  Jenkins is use to getting up early with Robin.  He is a cute dog.  Good luck tomorrow Robin  I know you will do an amazing job.  You are so gifted.  Karen, I will come and mow your lawn this weekend so you don't have to do it with these bad allergies.  Everyone be safe and sound.  Work was quiet today and I got a lot done.  I was down to 24 emails.  I haven't had that since I have started working for them.  It felt so nice.  Maybe things will calm down a little bit for me.  My neck is so itchy right now.  I hope that part of healing doesn't last too long.  It is driving me crazy for sure.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM

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