Wednesday, August 21, 2019

First Day

Good job Robin, that is so fun you get to travel.  I am excited for your school Karen, you are so smart.  Isaac had a good day at school and was really happy.  He wasn't even stressed after school.  We walked him in this morning and met his teacher.  She seems really nice and young.  He should have a good year.  We went to exercise class afterwards and that was really good for me.  It made me less stressed.  We had a bunch of grocery shopping to do so that took most of the afternoon.  Mom and Dad got me a new laser and it came today.  It had a bar you could attach to the machine to hold the laser which is really nice.  I am excited to use it, thank you.  We walked to get Isaac and it was so hot.  Ruthie wanted to ride her bike but it is hard for me to pull it with Jenkins so she had a meltdown and cried half way to the school but then was happy the rest of the time.  Isaac had scouts so we dropped him off and went to Lowe's to return some tile and grout.  We had the wrong color grout and was able to get the right one.  They cut down the willow tree next door and it looks so strange.  It is going to take some time to get used to.  Ruth and Oliver didn't sleep well last night so I am tired.  Love you guys and thanks for all your support, it means a lot.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...