Sunday, February 1, 2015

Loved it

WE had a quiet day.  Last night I finished up my Little House of the Prairie books.  Thanks Rachel I really enjoyed them.  WE took Grandma Bodily out for lunch and she loved her Valentines you made her Rachel.  She said they made her whole day and she just kept looking at them and talking about how cute they were and how much work you had put into them.  She said you picked out such beautiful material.  I thought maybe one day quilt for her would be fun.  I can't believe that Oliver did not sleep well last night.  I thought for sure we wore him out.  That does make for long days when they don't sleep.  I am glad the pancakes were a hit.  I just love things like that.  Good luck with your computer delivery.  Robin I hope you are doing good.  Just go slow with Walter.  Make sure it is really what you want.  Karen good luck this week.  I hope your bruschetta goes well.  I need a Costco run.  Dad is almost out of coconut milk and then only sell it at Costco.  Have a great Ground Hogs day.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...