Monday, May 18, 2020

Let's Play

I think we need to play this weekend.  I think we can find a fun place to camp/hotel.  Ogden keeps coming to my mind but let me research and see what we can come up with.  I think there is a ton of fun trails and things we can do.  I think because we have tents we will be able to find some place to stay. Everyone do research on camping places and we will work from there.  Karen can stay with us in a hotel  :).  We went to Kohls today to get new pillows our pillows are so flat.  It was nice to see it opened.  They had a Harry Potter game where you pick a jelly bean and it might be good or a bad one.  I thought that would be a fun game to play.  I am with Robin, It was definitely a Monday. And for me a Payroll Monday.  They are always more stressful.  I did spend all afternoon making meetings.  I know it just got more exciting as the day went on.  It was so windy today.  I hope we get a big storm out of it.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM

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