Monday, December 30, 2013

He did good

Isaac did really well at the doctors today.  I was very proud of him, he was really cooperative.  He looks good.  He is in the 92% for weight and 60% for height.  He walks on his toes and she was concerned about that so Mom is going to look into some exercises for him.  I finished Mom's bag today, I like how it turned out.  I started cutting out a scrap quilt to use my new ruler that Karen got me.  I got half done but I needed to take a break.  Isaac didn't take a nap today so he went to bed early.  It seems to work out pretty good.  Tomorrow Casey doesn't work.  He is going to cut wood with Allen tomorrow and then we are going up to Clifton on Wednesday.  Well I am glad that his doctors appointment is over.  I was stressed about it.  Oh, do you think I should wait to take his three year old pictures until Oliver gets here or should I do it now.  I am not sure what would be best.  Thanks.


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