Saturday, December 28, 2013

It's over

Elf is done!!!! So excited. I now have Monday-Thursday off of all jobs :) yeah! I went to best buy on Friday and got a new iPad so now I have one that works. I am blogging from it now to try it out. I bought a quilling book and it will be here Monday. I gave the flowers out as cards for closer gifts for elf and everyone loved them. Tomorrow I might go see American hustle with Walter. Everyone says it's good and we got movie gift cards for Christmas. I also got 50 dollars to gordmans and 20 to target. Shopping is in my future. I need to take down Christmas and de clutter my house first though. I'm glad you guys had a fun train ride. I am trying to get pictures online so you can access them. I have a lot of pictures from this year. We'll not to much else with me have a good Sunday Robin

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...