Saturday, December 5, 2020


 Thanks for the santa pictures Mom.  It looks so.good and I think we are ready for Christmas.  We had a good day.  I slept in till 8 which was nice.  Isaac has been wanting to make plum pudding all week and I said we could today.  I don't know where he got the idea but he said it is a traditional Christmas dish.  I couldn't find most of the ingredients at the store so we went to natural grocery and they had most of it.  We had to made candied fruit peels which took two hours.  Then we steamed the plum pudding for two hours.  It took all day to make but it tasted really good.  It is a cake and has no plums in it.  We all really liked it.Casey tires have been bad.  He found a tire at the dump and we were going to put it in but it was the wrong size.  So we ended up buying him new tires today.  He really needed them.  Oliver wanted to ride bikes last night at sun for santa but he hasn't learned yet.  So we suggested going to the bike park so he could learn in the parking lot.  He was so upset and didn't eat to do it.  When we got there he was able to ride in a couple tries and he loved it.  He was riding all over the place.  Isaac did the bike course and had fun.  Ruth's bike was too small and see isn't ready for no training wheels.  We had a really fun time.  Isaac said costa vida sounded good so we stopped and had dinner there.  I am glad Oliver learned how to ride bikes.  He was so cute riding around. Love you guys.



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