Thursday, July 9, 2020


Today was good.  Casey didn't have to get up so early which is nice.  Oliver had art class.  He lost a sandel so I went and got him a new pair.  I have a baby shower this weekend so I got a gift for that.  He hated the sandels I got him but we finally found his lost one so he is ok.  Isaac had magic class and learned a fun trick he showed me.  He had a good time.  We went to the jump zone afterwards and the kids had fun.  I finished a book for book group that was tonight.  I was the only person that read the whole thing.  Book group was fun and it was really nice to talk to everyone.  We did our favorite things where you buy three of something and then exchange it.  It is always a fun time.  The kids are super excited for Lagoon, especially Isaac.  He talks about it all the time.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...