Saturday, September 24, 2016

Lagoon Tomorrow

Sorry I didn't blog last night.  The boys were spending the night with Randy and we watched a movie.  We have had a good two days.  Friday Isaac didn't have school and it was a fun day.  We went grocery shopping and then to the jump zone.  The kids had a fun time and was happy.  Everyone but Isaac took a nap when we got home so I made salsa with all our tomato's.  Randy called and wanted the boys to spend the night so they went up their.  They had a fun time and did great and slept great.  Me and Casey ran some errands and then put Ruthie asleep and watched a movie on vudu.  This morning.  Me and Ruthie went to the hobby lobby but they didn't have what I wanted to we started to go to Joanns but they were starting the home coming parade so we just went home.  Casey wanted to clean the headlights on the jeep so we went to the car parts store and then picked up the kids.  Casey cleaned the headlights and then installed the trailer hitch to the van.  I played with the kids, they just wanted to play at home and it was fun.  We are super excited for tomorrow.  Isaac has talked about nothing else.  See you then.


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