Wednesday, February 13, 2019

quiet day

We put a new muffler on the jeep today.  When we were up at Karen's one day all the exhaust was coming out of the wrong place.  It felt nice to get that done.  Work was good and I have been keeping up with things a lot better.  I have a bad cough.  I didn't go to Logan tonight.  The snow scared me off.  That is so cute that Isaac prayed for me.  Tell him thank you.  It doesn't look good for me coming but I hope the weather man is wrong.  I will check in the morning and see what it looks like.  Who would have thought that February would be the bad time to travel.  The weekend does look good.  Karen good luck with your water heater.  I hope you hot water for many years.  If the weather is good Friday night Karen is coming down and we are going to buy treats for the trip.  I thought that would be fun.  Oliver's present came tonight, I was excited about that one.  Everyone have a wonderful valentine's day.  I really liked your unicorn box Robin.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...