Sunday, August 27, 2023


 Randy and Terri came over this evening and we got over half the floor put in and all the paint touched up.  It is looking great and I love it.  It looks a lot like the basement.  If you guys still want to come up this weekend we could use some help putting up Sheetrock downstairs and paint that.  Also putting on the baseboards.  We are hoping to order the cabinets this week and hopefully have them to install next weekend.  We slept in and then went to church.  Casey worked for a bit.  Then we just worked on the kitchen the rest of the night.  Kimi and Max came over also and the kids had fun playing together.  Casey also got all the lights replaced and they look really nice.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...