Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Winter Rain

Congratulations also on your raise and new title Mom.  I am so glad that they appreciate what a hard worker you are.  That is a fun day.  We had weird weather up here also.  It snowed lightly most of the afternoon and then switched to rain this evening. Robin I am sorry Walter didn't get that job.  That would of been nice.  I hope that he has better luck in the future.  Finding jobs is hard.  Casey and his Dad towed the ford to our house tonight.  Casey doesn't think it will be too hard to fix.  He just needs to order some screws online.  I finished binding my quilt last night and I attached a picture.  I also had some pictures from this weekend I attached.  I should take more of everyone, sorry.  Today we made a fort out of his table and I attached a picture of that also.  Mom, he loves the new car you got him.  He took a nap with it and is sleeping with it tonight.  He has taken it everywhere.  Thank you.  This week is going pretty fast, I can't believe it is already Thursday.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...