Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Big busy day

 We had a big busy day. I worked a couple of hours this morning and then we went to doctor one. He is referring us to a neurosurgeon just to see what he thinks. Then we had lunch and walked the mall. We headed to Ogden and went to doctor number two. He said that his neck isn't Ra related and so we don't have to add any more meds. He did say gapentin is good for nerve pain so we are going to try that and see if it helps the pain. We hooked up with Rachels bunch. They did flowrider and Rachel surfed. She was amazing. We went to dinner and then came home. It was quite the lightening show on the way home. No rain however. I am glad you got some rain Karen. Good.ouck robin. I hope.luna does ok. It is stressful.on mom. I hope you are ok. Love mom

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...