Tuesday, June 9, 2009

hook up

That is so cool that you are taking an emt class karen. I'm thinking maybe if you need to have a practice day I can come into your class and mutilate people :) wink wink.... just and idea I can hook you up. anyway things are good here, we learned how to apply cake eye makeup and correct nose shapes. Its fun to be able to play with makeup everyday and have it learning. I greatly enjoy learning. :) I went onto youtube last night and they have clips on how to do different hair styles. They had one that mimicked the hair from taylor swift in love story video, where she is standing on the balcony with the white dress. I tried it last night and it actually turned out pretty nice. I was excited. Oh and also I had a brilliant idea, soda is so much extra money that isn't really needed so I bought a nice water bottle to carry with me so i drink more water and save money. a plus on all ends. :)  Well that is all for me. signing out....

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