Friday, March 2, 2018


It snowed a bit here but nothing like I was thinking.  Nothing has really even stuck to the ground, I guess we will have to see what happens over night.  My roll of batting came this morning and it is so nice.  It is really really soft, I love it.  Around 11 they called and said that the tires were in so we went down and had them done.  They said we needed new brakes also so we did that as well.  I took the little kids to chick fil for doing so good at the tire place.  We stayed their until it was time to pick up Isaac.  We just played and it was fun.  After dinner we picked up Isaac's friend and went to the school to watch the BFG.  They had concessions for 25 cents and the kids loved that.  Oliver was sad that I didn't bring his blanket, I brought camping chairs to sit on.  The kids didn't really watch the movie.  Isaac was running around with his school friends and we were in and out buying candy, they had a blast.  Casey worked late and then met up with us which was nice.   We will make a plan tomorrow Mom, I hope it is good weather.


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