Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Nice Day

Today the weather was so nice.  We went on another walk with the wagon and Isaac just wanted me to pull him the whole time.  Then he sits and watches cars in it afterwards.  It is a nice wagon.  We went to story time and Isaac was invited to a birthday party at the fun park this Saturday.  I think that he will really like it.  Jenn came over and sewed.  With Casey at work I just put a movie on for Isaac and he just stayed downstairs and watched it.  It worked out pretty good.  She is having a craft night for everyone on Friday at her house so I am going to go to that.  Casey can watch Isaac now so that will be fun.  I made dinner tonight which is a big deal.  It was nice to have Casey home.  Isaac and Casey cleaned off the trampoline since it has been so warm and jumped for a while.  Isaac loved that.  This winter has been a lot better than last winter so far.  Well everyone have a good night.


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