Monday, November 14, 2016


I copied everything off my computer last night and am reformatting it right now.  Hopefully tomorrow it will up and running.  Today was a busy day.  When I was taking Isaac to school Randy came towing Kelly's cat.  He hit a pot hole and broken the radiator so they left it for Casey to look at.  I volunteered at the school and brought the kids with me.  They had an assemble so I helped get a craft ready, it was fun.  After school Henry came and played.  It was fun to have him.  Then Randy and Kelly came over when Caset got home to look at the car.  I had to go visiting teaching Soni left for a bit.  I think a hose is just broken so it isn't going to be hard to fix his car.  The neighbor kids came and played for a bit also.  I didn't take one picture today, failure.  I hope that everyone has a good night.


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