Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Today was good.  Casey was gone so I just went on a quick walk with Jenkins this morning and that was nice.  We made necklaces for Grandma all morning and Ruth is excited to give them to you.  Oliver had a good first day at school.  He was really excited to go and had a good time.  He was sad after school because he didn't want to walk home but he was just tired.  While he was at school me and Ruth went to the fabric store and bought fabric to make Tiffany a quilt.  It as fun and nice to look at everything.  Ruthie didn't eat lunch very well so we went to chick fil and she played for while.  It was nice to spend time with her.  For dinner we picked up a pizza and went to the park and ate it.  Then the kids played for a while.  Casey is on his way home and will be back soon.  Travel safe tomorrow Robin.  Good luck with school Karen, you are so smart.  Karen's birthday present came yesterday and I forgot to mention it.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...